Men and women have strengths that complement each other. |
Knowledge of God's Word is a bulwark against deception, temptation, accusation, even persecution. |
Boundaries are to protect life, not to limit pleasures. |
The pattern of the prodigal is: rebellion, ruin, repentance, reconciliation, restoration. |
It is not enough to be delivered from sin; it is enough to be delivered to righteousness. |
There is a price to pay for accomplishment. |
You cannot be responsible for salvation until first you've been responsible for sin. |
Obedience is an act of faith; disobedience is the result of unbelief. |
Trust funds can never be a substitute for a fund of trust. |
To him who knows to prosper and does it not, to him it is sin. |
The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests. |
God will finish what He authors, but He is not obligated to finish what He has not authored. |
If you can't take it, you won't make it. |
The more you build your life on principle and less on personality - yours or others - the straighter will be your course. |
When the pressure comes, preferences give way while convictions hold firm. |
The yoke you wear determines the burden you bear. |
You can tell the nature of the man by the words he chooses. |
Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy to God. |
You are committed to what you confess. |
You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there. |