I was asked to be in Vogue but I said no. I didn't want to advertise make-up. I didn't want to be seen as a sex symbol. |
I don't need a piece of paper to suggest that I can commit myself. |
However successful you are, there is no substitute for a close relationship. We all need them. |
Judi Dench and Ian McKellen taught me how to work hard and respect the theatre. |
Some actors get fired up by the sound of the audience. I just want to retreat. |
The wonderful thing about acting is you move along with your decade. The older you get, the more interesting the parts you get to play and you bring more of your personal experience to the part. |
I think people have surgery for psychological reasons more than because of their looks. |
I consulted a Chinese herbalist and spent two weeks on an island off the coast of Zanzibar. I was away from any kind of contemporary technology. |
Everything has changed. An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive. |
I'll dance to anything: Bob Marley or rap. |
If people think I look good, it's the make-up. |
I'm often asked if I regret not going to Hollywood. I'm glad I didn't go, because if I had I wouldn't have my extended family, which is the fabric of my life. Only recently have I realised how special and unusual it is. |
I am not going to share my private life with millions of people. I don't find a need to do that and nobody else close to me does either. |
I'm an actress, not a pin-up. |
Sometimes sushi is just superb, and other times there's nothing like a great big steak. It depends where your taste buds are at the time. |
I have made a public statement about me and Ralph by being seen with him. I don't need to make any other. You can live the way you want. |
I used to suffer from excessive pride. Well, I got over that one. |
Too often, older women are seen as victims, but I know lots of formidable women who have marvellous jobs as well as a full erotic life, and children and friends and family. |
I've never been married and I've no more desire to be married now than I ever have. I hate bureaucracy and I am not religious. |
I do find acting cathartic. |