A pin has as much head as some authors and a good deal more point. |
When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart, it's pretty certain that she has his. |
A bare assertion is not necessarily the naked truth. |
Some people seem as if they can never have been children, and others seem as if they could never be anything else. |
A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping from a broken string. |
The pen is a formidable weapon, but a man can kill himself with it a great deal more easily than he can other people. |
A friend you have to buy won't be worth what you pay for him. |
Much smoking kills live men and cures dead swine. |
Some people use one half their ingenuity to get into debt, and the other half to avoid paying it. |
There are many men whose tongues might govern multitudes if they could govern their tongues. |
It is in vain to hope to please all alike. Let a man stand with his face in what direction he will, he must necessarily turn his back on one half of the world. |