All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution. |
What we call "morals" is simply blind obedience to words of command. |
It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had not dared to be obscene, they could never have dared to be great. |
The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands. |
What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance. |
If men and women are to understand each other, to enter into each other's nature with mutual sympathy, and to become capable of genuine comradeship, the foundation must be laid in youth. |
It has always been difficult for Man to realize that his life is all an art. It has been more difficult to conceive it so than to act it so. For that is always how he has more or less acted it. |
Men who know themselves are no longer fools. They stand on the threshold of the door of Wisdom. |
A man must not swallow more beliefs than he can digest. |
The omnipresent process of sex, as it is woven into the whole texture of our man's or woman's body, is the pattern of all the process of our life. |
Thinking in its lower grades, is comparable to paper money, and in its higher forms it is a kind of poetry. |
Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex. |
Pain and death are part of life. To reject them is to reject life itself. |
The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum. |
Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life? |
To be a leader of men one must turn one's back on men. |
The byproduct is sometimes more valuable than the product. |
Man lives by imagination. |
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. |
The romantic embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer. |