Moralistic is not moral. And as for truth - well, it's like brown - it's not in the spectrum. Truth is so generic. |
Falling out of love is chiefly a matter of forgetting how charming someone is. |
All art is a struggle to be, in a particular sort of way, virtuous. |
Only lies and evil come from letting people off. |
The cry of equality pulls everyone down. |
Perhaps misguided moral passion is better than confused indifference. |
Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out. |
People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us. |
We can only learn to love by loving. |
In philosophy if you aren't moving at a snail's pace you aren't moving at all. |
No love is entirely without worth, even when the frivolous calls to the frivolous and the base to the base. |
The absolute yearning of one human body for another particular body and its indifference to substitutes is one of life's major mysteries. |
He was a sociologist; he had got into an intellectual muddle early on in life and never managed to get out. |
I see myself as Rhoda, not Mary Tyler Moore. |
Every man needs two women: a quiet home-maker, and a thrilling nymph. |
Falling out of love is very enlightening. For a short while you see the world with new eyes. |
Being good is just a matter of temperament in the end. |