I am the odd man out in the family. |
It's amazing to me that young people will still pick up a cigarette. |
You're always better off if you quit smoking; it's never too late. |
If somebody invented cigarettes today, the government would not legalize them. |
In the movies, Bette Davis lights two cigarettes and hands the second one to James Cagney. It was just so glamorous and romantic. |
My dad had emphysema and both of my parents had chronic bronchitis and ended up with cancers - all smoking related. |
Almost every person over 45, and definitely those who have ever smoked, should have a spirometry test. |
There's nothing glamorous about being dead. |
Your lungs are changed forever from your first cigarette. |
My memory of my mom is a wine glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She was a runway fashion model, and she was quite a glamorous woman. |
My grandmother was a teacher, my sister was a teacher, my daughter was a teacher and is now a superintendent in northern California, and my son-in-law is a high school principal. I am surrounded. |
They almost ran me off the road several times. There are so many chances that they take to get the right photo. |
I talk about acting to students making the transition from high school to UCLA. Kids going into this profession really need to know the reality of it. |
Once you are hooked, smoking is harder to quit then heroin. |
Look up the definition of rejection in the dictionary, get really comfortable with it, and then maybe you can go into acting. |
I do know the Spelling family. I worked for Aaron Spelling when I was a brunette. I've known them since Tori was a little girl. |
When women smoke, it is hard for them to quit because they are so worried about their weight; it's a vanity issue and a mindset. |
You're rejected 10 to 20 times for every part you are going to get. |
My mom started smoking when she was 11. She went to the hill next door to try her first cigarette. She set the entire hill on fire, but it didn't deter her. |
I've always been very involved in anything that had to do with lung disease or cancer. |