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The curriculum of the school did not neglect India's cultural, analytical and scientific heritage, but was very involved also with the rest of the world.

    Author: Amartya Sen

More is required of public officials than slogans and handshakes and press releases. More is required. We must hold ourselves strictly accountable. We must provide the people with a vision of the future.

    Author: Barbara Jordan

You know, a better man for a better America. That's sort of our slogan.

    Author: Bob Dole

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.

    Author: Carl Jung

Instead of a national curriculum for education, what is really needed is an individual curriculum for every child.

    Author: Charles Handy

The left sees nothing but bigotry and superstition in the popular defense of the family or in popular attitudes regarding abortion, crime, busing, and the school curriculum.

    Author: Christopher Lasch

As long as my sixth graders showed an average improvement of five years, the principal and district pretty much left me alone to create my own curriculum and teach whatever I wanted.

    Author: Dan Simmons

An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

    Author: Daniel J. Boorstin

Our second phase was to develop a school curriculum that teaches tolerance, respect for differences, conflict resolution, anger management, and other attributes of peace.

    Author: Eddie Bernice Johnson

Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions.

    Author: Edward R. Murrow

My father was also a principal of a school and mother was a curriculum advisor. Both were educators.

    Author: Edwin Moses

If you improve a teacher's self-esteem, confidence, communication skills or stress levels, you improve that teacher's overall effectiveness across the curriculum.

    Author: Elaine MacDonald

Ours is the age of substitutes: instead of language, we have jargon: instead of principles, slogans: and, instead of genuine ideas, bright ideas.

    Author: Eric Bentley

Very much like that, and very much a loner, do you know and I didn't fit really into sport or all kind of group activities as a kid, I couldn't find a niche. And music was not really part of the kind of village curriculum it would, you know.

    Author: Eric Clapton

The motives of these parents vary, many parents don't like the curriculum being taught to their kids, or are wary of the threat of peer pressure or the presence of drugs or violence lurking in too many of our schools today.

    Author: Ernest Istook

Slogans which deafened us so that we could not hear the truth.

    Author: Ernst Toller

I object to teaching of slogans intended to befog the mind, of whatever kind they may be.

    Author: Franz Boas

More power than all the success slogans ever penned by human hand is the realization for every man that he has but one boss. That boss is the man - he - himself.

    Author: Gabriel Heatter

I began thinking I would do musical theater because in high school that was really the only sort of curriculum they had as far as getting onstage and doing anything that anybody would see. So that's what I did.

    Author: Gretchen Mol

The slogan of progress is changing from the full dinner pail to the full garage.

    Author: Herbert Hoover

Community-based policing has now come to mean everything. It's a slogan. It has come to mean so many different things that people who endorse it, such as the Congress of the United States, do not know what they are talking about.

    Author: James Q. Wilson

It is one thing to take as a given that approximately 70 percent of an entering high school freshman class will not attend college, but to assign a particular child to a curriculum designed for that 70 percent closes off for that child the opportunity to attend college.

    Author: James S. Coleman

With Michigan's economic future on the line, we can't afford to have our 500 local school districts marching in different directions. Instead, we need a high standards, mandatory curriculum to get all our students on the road to higher education and a good paying job.

    Author: Jennifer Granholm

As I very much liked to draw and paint as a child, I entered a special art program in high school, which was very much like being in an art school imbedded in a regular high school curriculum.

    Author: Jerome Isaac Friedman

Because I come from that old-school optics environment, I know stuff about depth of field and camera movement and things that are not necessarily a part of the curriculum for people who started on a box and have never done anything that wasn't on a box.

    Author: John Dykstra

Like everybody at that age, I read an awful lot of pulp fiction. But at the same time, I also read quite a bit of history and read that as much for pleasure as part of a curriculum.

    Author: John Hume

Slogans rarely convince the unconvinced. However, they do rally the troops already on your side.

    Author: John McCarthy

The slogan was 'Don't trust anyone over thirty'. Sixty years later the slogan became, 'Don't trust anyone over ninety'.

    Author: John McCarthy

But for the children of the poorest people we're stripping the curriculum, removing the arts and music, and drilling the children into useful labor. We're not valuing a child for the time in which she actually is a child.

    Author: Jonathan Kozol

Class struggle: external peace, international solidarity, peace among peoples. This is the sacred slogan of international socialist democracy that liberates nations.

    Author: Karl Liebknecht

I cannot remember a time in opposition - I am talking about the last four years - when we have done less work on policy and more on slogans. But because of my European views I wasn't allowed to participate.

    Author: Kenneth Clarke

Charter schools are public schools that operate, to a certain extent, outside the system. They have more control over their teachers, curriculum and resources. They also have less money than public schools.

    Author: Maggie Gallagher

So many schools have cut the music classes out of their curriculum. We're trying to fill that gap by teaching the teachers how to educate the kids about their musical heritage.

    Author: Margaret Whiting

The business of the advertiser is to see that we go about our business with some magic spell or tune or slogan throbbing quietly in the background of our minds.

    Author: Marshall McLuhan

Natures' curriculum cannot be changed.

    Author: Martin Lewis Perl

In true education, anything that comes to our hand is as good as a book: the prank of a page- boy, the blunder of a servant, a bit of table talk - they are all part of the curriculum.

    Author: Michel de Montaigne

The terrorists whatever slogans they use have nothing in common with Islam.

    Author: Nursultan Nazarbayev

I think we spend too much on K-12 education a.k.a. teachers' salaries. It's the only industry where you never see any productivity increases.

    Author: Peter Brimelow

The problem with K-12 education is socialism and the solution is capitalism.

    Author: Peter Brimelow
    Topics: Education

We're not a vocational school. If someone wants to get a high-paying job, I would hope that there are easier ways to do it than working through a formal computer science curriculum.

    Author: Philip Greenspun

Polytechnique is a school whose multidisciplinary, very high scientific level curriculum is invaluable.

    Author: Philippe Perrin

Thus the slogan should be reversed: Catholics taught the world what music is supposed to sound like, and, more importantly, what it is supposed to mean.

    Author: Richard Morris

The slogan of the moderate Republican Party is this: we are rich, and we are not going to take it any more.

    Author: Richard Neal

According to a study by Achieve Incorporated, Texas is the first state to make a college-prep curriculum the standard coursework in high school, starting with this year's ninth grade class.

    Author: Rick Perry

Instead of trying to come up and pontificate on what literature is, you need to talk with children, to teachers, and make sure they get poetry in the curriculum early.

    Author: Rita Dove

We talk about a free press. These people hide, they make a lot of money off the media. They hide behind the slogans of free press, and then they can come out with crap like that. It's just garbage. It's insulting to the readers.

    Author: Robert Scheer

And it was under Wilson that the first great propaganda slogan was coined and emblazoned everywhere, to make Americans start thinking favorably of democracies and forget that we had a republic.

    Author: Robert Welch

Social democracy seeks and finds the ways, and particular slogans, of the workers' struggle only in the course of the development of this struggle, and gains directions for the way forward through this struggle alone.

    Author: Rosa Luxemburg

It's very easy to have slogans and rhetoric that people will follow, but eventually the slogans fall away.

    Author: Saad Hariri

An organization which claims to be working for the needs of a community - as SNCC does - must work to provide that community with a position of strength from which to make its voice heard. This is the significance of black power beyond the slogan.

    Author: Stokely Carmichael

Sexual liberation, as a slogan, turns out to be another kind of bondage. For a woman it offers orgasm as her ultimate and major fulfillment; it's better than motherhood.

    Author: Victoria Billings

The art of the critic in a nutshell: to coin slogans without betraying ideas. The slogans of an inadequate criticism peddle ideas to fashion.

    Author: Walter Benjamin

My slogan when I ran was that there is no such thing as government money, there is only taxpayer's money, and that cut pretty deep.

    Author: William Weld

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