I know it is the fans that are responsible for me being here. I've always tried in each and every broadcast to serve the fans to the best of my ability. |
You know they're not going to lose 162 consecutive games. |
Holy cow! Topics: Short |
It's the fans that need spring training. You gotta get 'em interested. Wake 'em up and let 'em know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll. |
I'll tell you what's helped me my entire life. I look at baseball as a game. It's something where people can go out, enjoy and have fun. Nothing more. |
Now, you tell me, if I have a day off during the baseball season, where do you think I'll spend it? The ballpark. I still love it. Always have, always will. |
I knew the profanity used up and down my street would not go over the air... So I trained myself to say 'Holy Cow' instead. |
It might be, it could be... it is! A home run! |
My whole philosophy is to broadcast the way a fan would broadcast. |
When I die, I hope they don't cremate me 'cuz I'll burn forever. |
I've only been doing this fifty-four years. With a little experience, I might get better. |