American is the first democratic nation-state. |
Washington, not Jefferson, freed his slaves upon his death. |
You don't hate history, you hate the way it was taught to you in high school. |
Washington's character was rock solid. He came to stand for the new nation and its republican virtues, which was why he became our first President by unanimous choice. |
The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future. |
To be a slaveholder meant one had to regard the African American as inferior in every way. |
I was taught by professors who had done their schooling in the 1930s. Most of them were scornful of, even hated, big business. |
The Canadians have managed to live peacefully with their Indians. It is disgrace that the United States has not done the same. |
The war in Vietnam I thought a dreadful mistake. |
Even before Watergate and his resignation, Nixon had inspired conflicting and passionate emotions. |
I thought Nixon was the worst President we had ever had, save only perhaps Andrew Johnson. |
I've always tried to be fair to my subjects. That's easy when they are as likable and admirable as Lewis and Clark, or Eisenhower. |
We are part of a country that outshines those that have gone before us and most of those in existence today. |
Almost everything Truman did in foreign affairs I approve of. |
My first book was the book that changed my life. |
The more sophisticated we get, the more advanced our buildings and vehicles become, the more vulnerable we are. |
In America, Jefferson noted with approval, women knew their place. |
In 1945, there were more people killed, more buildings destroyed, more high explosives set off, more fires burning than before or since. |
Neither Johnson nor his party nor the government as a whole were willing to raise, train, equip, and then send Vietnam sufficient manpower to do the job. |
Washington and Jefferson were both rich Virginia planters, but they were never friends. |