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Historian Quotes

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» Harold Acton - English
» John Acton - English
» Lord Acton - British
» Brooks Adams - American
» Henry Adams - American
» Henry B. Adams -
» James Truslow Adams - American
» Stephen Ambrose - American
» Cleveland Amory - American
» Hannah Arendt - German
» Arrian - Greek
» George Bancroft - American
» Charles A. Beard - American
» Mary Ritter Beard - American
» Bernard Berenson - American
» Michael Beschloss - American
» Marc Bloch - French
» Anthony Blunt - English
» Daniel J. Boorstin - American
» Fernand Braudel - French
» Crane Brinton - American
» Anita Brookner - English
» Arthur Bryant - British
» Alan Bullock - British
» William P. Bundy - American
» William Camden - English
» Bruce Catton - American
» Iris Chang - Chinese
» Henry Steele Commager - American
» Robert Conquest - British
» Donald Creighton - Canadian
» Martin Van Creveld - Israeli
» Len Deighton - British
» Wilhelm Dilthey - German
» David Herbert Donald - American
» Will Durant - American
» Cyril Falls - English
» Michel Foucault - French
» John Hope Franklin - American
» Jean Froissart - French
» James Anthony Froude - English
» Paul Fussell - American
» Peter Gay - American
» Bronislaw Geremek - Polish
» Edward Gibbon - English
» Doris Kearns Goodwin - American
» Philip Guedalla - English
» Francesco Guicciardini - Italian
» Francois Guizot - French
» Matthew Hale - British

» Henry Hallam - English
» Victor Davis Hanson - American
» Albert Bushnell Hart - American
» B. H. Liddell Hart - British
» Thomas Hearne - English
» Arthur Helps - British
» Herodotus - Greek
» Robert Hewison - British
» John Edward Christopher Hill - English
» Eric Hobsbawm - British
» Richard Hofstadter - American
» Irving Howe - American
» Johan Huizinga - Dutch
» Flavius Josephus - Roman
» Donald Kagan - American
» Steven T. Katz -
» John Keegan - English
» George F. Kennan - American
» George Kimble -
» Michael King - New Zealander
» Christopher Lasch - American
» Kenneth Scott Latourette - American
» David Lavender - American
» Titus Livius - Roman
» Thomas B. Macaulay - English
» Henry James Sumner Maine - English
» William Manchester - American
» Golo Mann - German
» David McCullough - American
» Jules Michelet - French
» James Mill - English
» Perry Miller - American
» Samuel E. Morison - American
» John Lothrop Motley - American
» Louis Mumford - American
» Edward Norman - English
» C. Northcote Parkinson - British
» Francis Parkman - American
» Henri Pirenne - Belgian
» Polybius - Greek
» Sima Qian - Chinese
» Edgar Quinet - French
» Leopold Von Ranke - German
» Diane Ravitch - American
» William Winwood Reade - Scottish
» James Harvey Robinson - American
» Hugh Trevor-Roper - English
» Alfred Leslie Rowse - British
» Steven Runciman - British
» Sallust - Roman

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