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Search ResultsFound 100 quotes matching your search: (limited to first 100 results.) It's a 360-degree sound experience. Like you're in the middle of the band. A lot of people have the technology to play the format, so why not put it out there. It sounds great. Author: Aaron Neville | It's true that humanity has seen a succession of crises, wars and atrocities, but this negative side is offset by advances in technology and cultural exchanges. Author: Abbe Pierre | Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? Is it a legacy of our colonial years? We want foreign television sets. We want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology. Why this obsession with everything imported? Author: Abdul Kalam | This would only come if you have a revolutionary change in technology like the jet brought about. Author: Adolf Galland | We are just fanatics about using the technology to make it all wonderful. We laughed at the fact that we were having such a great time working this way. Author: Al Jarreau | Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe. Author: Alan Watts | It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. Author: Albert Einstein | Technology should be an important ingredient. It may be and should be a tool for social development. Author: Aleksander Kwasniewski | Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible. Author: Alvin Toffler | The great growling engine of change - technology. Author: Alvin Toffler | My theme for philanthropy is the same approach I used with technology: to find a need and fill it. Author: An Wang | I've been thinking about the distorted view of science that prevails in our culture. I've been wondering about this, because our civilization is completely dependent on science and high technology, yet most of us are alienated from science. Author: Ann Druyan | You can alter movie singing so much because you go into the recording studio and, just technology for recording has gotten so good, you can hold out a note and they can combine a note from take 2 and a note from take 8. Author: Anne Hathaway | There are so many ways to heal. Arrogance may have a place in technology, but not in healing. I need to get out of my own way if I am to heal. Author: Anne Wilson Schaef | Visual ideas combined with technology combined with personal interpretation equals photography. Each must hold it's own; if it doesn't, the thing collapses. Author: Arnold Newman | Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Author: Arthur C. Clarke | Roman civilization had achieved, within the bounds of its technology, relatively as great a mastery of time and space as we have achieved today. Author: Arthur Erickson | If co-operation, is thus the lifeblood of science and technology, it is similarly vital to society as a whole. Author: Arthur Holly Compton | Our markets have not achieved their great successes as a result of government fiat, but rather through efforts of competing interests working to meet the demands of investors and to fulfill the promises posed by advancing technology. Author: Arthur Levitt | Today, the forces of competition, technology, and globalization have converged to spur innovation and to transform the way business is done in the securities industry. Author: Arthur Levitt | Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response. Author: Arthur M. Schlesinger | Obviously, CGI in the last ten years has gone through such leaps and bounds that today, people are looking for these kinds of movies to wow audiences with technology. Author: Avi Arad | The People's Republic of China has not yet reached the military might of the Soviet Empire. It requires a little more time and a little more infusion of Western aid, loans, technology and the hard currency of our tourists. Author: Barbara Amiel | We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world - we need to make them accessible to every American. Author: Barbara Boxer | What makes the production of my work so expensive? The whole installation thing - the construction, the objects, the technology. It really adds up. Author: Barbara Kruger | It reflects a prevailing myth that production technology is no more amenable to human judgment or social interests than the laws of thermodynamics, atomic structure or biological inheritance. Author: Barry Commoner | What is needed now is a transformation of the major systems of production more profound than even the sweeping post-World War II changes in production technology. Author: Barry Commoner | I don't know technology and engineering. I don't know accounting. Author: Bernie Ebbers | I know what I don't know. To this day, I don't know technology, and I don't know finance or accounting. Author: Bernie Ebbers | America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world. Author: Bill Frist | If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1000 MPG. Author: Bill Gates | Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other. Author: Bill Gates | Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. Author: Bill Gates | The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. Author: Bill Gates | But now with technology I could sit down and do a bunch of character drawings and scan them into a computer, and the computer using my exact style could bring it into life, where it would have been edited by various human beings before. Author: Bill Griffith | We know that, when it comes to technology and the economy, if you're not constantly moving forward, then - without a doubt - you're moving backwards. Author: Bill Owens | There are better alternatives... Australia should be exporting its solar technology, not its uranium. Author: Bob Brown | Effective use of Braille is as important to the blind as independent mobility, knowledge in the use of adaptive technology, and the core belief that equality, opportunity and security are truly possible for all people who are blind. Author: Bob Ney | Despite my emphasis on technology, I do not view laws as inherently evil. My goals are political ones, even if my techniques are not. The only way to fundamentally succeed is by changing existing laws. If I rejected all help from the political arena I would inevitably fail. Author: Bram Cohen | I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of basic human rights: to free speech, to use any information and technology, to purchase and use recreational drugs, to enjoy and purchase so-called 'vices', to be free of intruders, and to privacy. Author: Bram Cohen | As sophisticated as the technology gets, the less sophisticated you have to become as an actor. Author: Brendan Fraser | Technology forced me to divorce a pixie and remarry a pixel. Author: Brian Celio | I'm very good with technology, I always have been, and with machines in general. They seem not threatening like other people find them, but a source of fun and amusement. Author: Brian Eno | Stevie didn't use the technology to drive the song. He used it to enhance. I use the tools to further my work, I don't use my work to further the tools. Author: Brian McKnight | Every time new technology is introduced, especially involving reproduction, you get the 'yuck' effect. Author: Brigitte Boisselier | Technology has changed the way book publishing works, as it has changed everything else in the world of media. Author: Bruce Jackson | If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't understand the problems and you don't understand the technology. Author: Bruce Schneier | In 1948 I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, undecided between studies of chemistry and physics, but my first year convinced me that physics was more interesting to me. Author: Burton Richter | We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. Author: Carl Sagan | We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Author: Carl Sagan | We've arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. Author: Carl Sagan | Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system. Author: Carly Fiorina | While the technology revolution has yet to reach far into the households of those in developing countries, this is certainly another area where more developed countries can assist those in the less developed world. Author: Carol Bellamy | It is only by the rational use of technology; to control and guide what technology is doing; that we can keep any hopes of a social life more desirable than our own: or in fact of a social life which is not appalling to imagine. Author: Carrie P. Snow | Film is a very young art that is still evolving. Soon, we shall reach a balance between content and technology. Author: Catherine Deneuve | Today, over half of China's undergraduate degrees are in math, science technology and engineering, yet only 16 percent of America's undergraduates pursue these schools. Author: Cathy McMorris | But by the time I was 40, everything was winding down. It started after the war. On the plus side, there was more more products and technology. But for me the nightlife was winding down, the glamour, the fun. Author: Cesar Romero | That the way to achieve higher standards of living for all is through science and technology, taking advantage of better tools, methods and organization. Author: Charles E. Wilson | But the technology was accessible, which suggests incompetence on the part of our counterintelligence community and the Clinton Administration, and may in fact rise to the level of treason. Author: Charles Foster Bass | The committee's finding that China stole sensitive technology from U.S. weapons research labs is alarming. Author: Charles Foster Bass | The Cox Report documents a systematic, well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization. Author: Charles Foster Bass | The U.S. government knew that China wanted to acquire sensitive U.S. technology, and instead of implementing a policy to prevent them from acquiring the information, the government all but gave them an invitation to take our equipment and designs. Author: Charles Foster Bass | U.S. nuclear technology is one of this nation's most valuable secrets, and it should have been protected. Author: Charles Foster Bass | If the human race wants to go to hell in a basket, technology can help it get there by jet. Author: Charles M. Allen | Agency by agency, we frequently have lost a bit of ground, at least to inflation-but had it not been for the efforts we've made to educate people about the importance of science, technology and advanced education, those predictions very well might have come true. Author: Charles Vest | For much of this decade, both Congressional and administration budget projections showed a decline in science and technology accounts of between 20 and 30 percent in real dollars. The real impact to date has been far less severe. Author: Charles Vest | Looking ahead, I believe that the underlying importance of higher education, of science, of technology, of research and scholarship to our quality of life, to the strength of our economy, to our security in many dimensions will continue to be the most important message. Author: Charles Vest | I remember feeling that technology was like trying to draw with your foot. In a ski boot. It was the most indirect way to work imaginable, but the potential had us all excited. I started in stop motion. Author: Chris Wedge | This technology will obviously become more prevalent. Who knows what will result? One thing is certain, computer technology will revolutionize the way we tell stories as much as movie film has. Author: Chris Wedge | Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. Author: Christian Lous Lange | Our industry has invested so much money in technology that perhaps it's time to invest in talent, in people. Author: Christiane Amanpour | Advances in technology will continue to reach far into every sector of our economy. Future job and economic growth in industry, defense, transportation, agriculture, health care, and life sciences is directly related to scientific advancement. Author: Christopher Bond | Ronald Reagan said that he sought a Star Wars defense only in order to share the technology with the tyrants of the U.S.S.R. Author: Christopher Hitchens | Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era - it's a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to business. Design means being good, not just looking good. Author: Clement Mok | The Spy Act strikes a right balance between preserving legitimate and benign uses of this technology, while still, at the same time, protecting unwitting consumers from the harm caused when it is misused and, of course, designed for nefarious purposes. Author: Cliff Stearns | If mankind were to continue in other than the present barbarism, a new path must be found, a new civilization based on some other method than technology. Author: Clifford D. Simak | Everyone has a right to a university degree in America, even if it's in Hamburger Technology. Author: Clive James | We're in a new world. We're in a world in which the possibility of terrorism, married up with technology, could make us very, very sorry that we didn't act. Author: Condoleezza Rice | Triumphant science and technology are only at the threshold of man's command over sources of energy so stupendous that, if used for military purposes, they can wipe out our entire civilization. Author: Cordell Hull | Technology has not only changed the way people are able to view movies, it has changed the way our industry produces and advertises movies. Author: Dan Glickman | The movie industry is committed to working with the technology sector to find innovative new ways to deliver entertainment to consumers. Author: Dan Glickman | I hope that we can continue this cooperation on other critical issues related to America's future technological competitiveness. We must work together to encourage the creative talents that have made our country the world leader in technology. Author: Dan Lipinski | I have an almost religious zeal... not for technology per se, but for the Internet which is for me, the nervous system of mother Earth, which I see as a living creature, linking up. Author: Dan Millman | Educators are still spending way too much time trying to control what kids learn, bending the content to their own purposes, hoping beyond hope to change - by using technology - but not change too much. Author: Daniel Greenberg | So, I see technology as a Trojan Horse: It looks like a wonderful thing, but they are going to regret introducing it into the schools because it simply can't be controlled. Author: Daniel Greenberg | Technology will eventually destroy the way schools are run now. Author: Daniel Greenberg | Technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge. Author: Daniel J. Boorstin | People always underestimate the impact of technology. To give you an example: In the 1970s the frontier for offshore development was 200 meters, today it is 4,000 meters. Author: Daniel Yergin | So the major obstacle to the development of new supplies is not geology but what happens above ground: international affairs, politics, investment and technology. Author: Daniel Yergin | Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil. Author: Daryl Hannah | We need a number of solutions - we need more efficiency and conservation. Efficiency is a big one. I think car companies need to do a lot better in producing more efficient cars. They have the technology, we just need to demand them as consumers. Author: Daryl Hannah | You can always improve on something, the technology is different today, but I would leave it well alone. If there was something that was incomplete, that might be interesting... because I do that on my website. Author: Dave Davies | No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation, litigation, enforcement, customer education, and technology solutions. Author: David Baker | I think we can allow the therapeutic uses of nuclear transplant technology, which we call cloning, without running the danger of actually having live human beings born. Author: David Baltimore | During the past few decades, modern technology, with radio, TV, air travel, and satellites, has woven a network of communication which puts each part of the world in to almost instant contact with all the other parts. Author: David Bohm | So one begins to wonder what is going to happen to the human race. Technology keeps on advancing with greater and greater power, either for good or for destruction. Author: David Bohm | Here you have a new technology, and if that technology is going to work, you must allow people to provide central indexes of the data. It's just like a newspaper that publishes classified ads. Author: David Boies | I see technology as being an extension of the human body. Author: David Cronenberg | Technology is us. There is no separation. It's a pure expression of human creative will. It doesn't exist anywhere else in the universe. I'm rather sure of that. Author: David Cronenberg | Quantum computation is... a distinctively new way of harnessing nature... It will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel universes. Author: David Deutsch |
Found 100 quotes containing your search: (limited to first 100 results.) Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. Author: Carrie P. Snow | Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination. Author: Daniel Bell | And like I say, I think we've got other cases other than Iraq. I do not think the problem of global proliferation of weapons technology of mass destruction is going to go away, and that's why I think it is an urgent issue. Author: David Kay | But, when we started our product portfolio, we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications , targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets. Author: David Milne | I can't get my head around the fact that the technology of the first two movies, which are forty years prior to Star Wars, is so much better than any technology they had in Star Wars! Author: David Prowse | Everybody has to be able to participate in a future that they want to live for. That's what technology can do. Author: Dean Kamen | In some cases, inventions prohibit innovation because we're so caught up in playing with the technology, we forget about the fact that it was supposed to be important. Author: Dean Kamen | New ideas in technology are literally a dime-a-dozen, or cheaper than that. Author: Dean Kamen | The most important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation of the evils and damages by the technology of yesterday. Author: Dennis Gabor | Kids need to be equipped for that. They need to learn to use that technology to keep the new economy going. Author: Dennis Moore | For infrastructure technology, C will be hard to displace. Author: Dennis Ritchie | Every time somebody tries to go in and reinvent what we do, it always ends up being more about technology and sets, and flash and dash, forgetting the main thing, which is interesting people saying interesting, important things. Author: Diane Sawyer | In the face of technology, everything becomes a little atavistic. Author: Don DeLillo | There's a connection between the advances that are made in technology and the sense of primitive fear people develop in response to it. Author: Don DeLillo | When you look at other countries that are developing the capabilities and the technology to deploy missiles of very significant destructive capability with nuclear, chemical, or biological warheads, then the MAD dogma makes even less sense. Author: Don Nickles | We are the number one economy in the world, and we ought to continue to pursue those kinds of policies that ensure that we maintain that position, like innovation and like technology and like education and like just research and development and discovery. Author: Donald Evans | I've been looking at the iPod- the Apple iPod. One of the interesting things about the iPod, one of the things that people love most about it is not the technology; it's the box it comes in. Author: Donald Norman | Technology favors horrible people. Author: Doug Coupland | I honestly believe that the next big leap in immersive technology will be very much like Brainstorm. Author: Douglas Trumbull | The technology of the time dictated the way things looked. Author: Douglas Trumbull | There's a consistency in my work that pops up independent of the limitations of the technology. Author: Douglas Trumbull | The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with technology. Author: E. F. Schumacher | Scientists at MIT and engineering schools all across America say that they could improve the fuel economy standards for the existing set of vehicles by 10 miles per gallon using existing technology, without compromising safety or comfort at all. Author: Ed Markey | We know that al Qaeda is seeking radioactive materials and technology to launch a devastating attack, and that hundreds of radioactive sources have been lost or stolen in the U.S. and around the world. Author: Ed Markey | If we had had the right technology back then, you would have seen Eva Braun on the Donahue show and Adolf Hitler on Meet the Press. Author: Ed Turner | The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. Author: Edward Teller | The minimum we should hope for with any display technology is that it should do no harm. Author: Edward Tufte | Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology. Author: Emily Greene Balch | Technology gives us the facilities that lessen the barriers of time and distance - the telegraph and cable, the telephone, radio, and the rest. Author: Emily Greene Balch | The intellectual property situation is bad and getting worse. To be a programmer, it requires that you understand as much law as you do technology. Author: Eric Allman | This is like the telephone problem - no one wants to have the first one. But we are seeing a lot of people who want some sort of technology to solve the spam problem. Author: Eric Allman | Thompson and Ritchie were among the first to realize that hardware and compiler technology had become good enough that an entire operating system could be written in C, and by 1978 the whole environment had been successfully ported to several machines of different types. Author: Eric S. Raymond | Half of Google's revenue comes from selling text-based ads that are placed near search results and are related to the topic of the search. Another half of its revenues come from licensing its search technology to companies like Yahoo. Author: Eric Schmidt | Research and development needs permanent tax credits to build the technology that spurs our growth. But no government programs alone can get America's students to study more science and math; parents must push and help their children to meet this goal. Author: Ernest Istook | We cannot sacrifice innocent human life now for vague and exaggerated promises of medical treatments thirty of forty years from now. There are ways to pursue this technology and respect life at the same time. Author: Ernest Istook | Don't leave hold of your common sense. Think about what you're doing and how the technology can enhance it. Don't think about technology first. Author: Esther Dyson | Part of the problem is when we bring in a new technology we expect it to be perfect in a way that we don't expect the world that we're familiar with to be perfect. Author: Esther Dyson | I consulted a Chinese herbalist and spent two weeks on an island off the coast of Zanzibar. I was away from any kind of contemporary technology. Author: Francesca Annis | What I did in my youth is hundreds of times easier today. Technology breeds crime. Author: Frank Abagnale | There is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity. Author: Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. | However, I had a chance encounter with an admissions officer of Stevens Institute of Technology, who so impressed me by his erudition and enthusiasm for the school that I changed course and entered Stevens Institute. Author: Frederick Reines | I received my undergraduate degree in engineering in 1939 and a Master of Science degree in mathematical physics in 1941 at Steven Institute of Technology. Author: Frederick Reines | Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. Author: Freeman Dyson | We were promised a simpler life, and technology has only complicated our lives. Author: Freeman Thomas | I have friends who have a CD mastering plant in Hollywood and they are very sceptical about European record labels' understanding of digital technology. Author: Gavin Bryars | With the help of modern technology, I can compose intricate keyboard parts and then I have to go back and learn them in order to perform them properly. Author: Geddy Lee | All the technology of our production was still pre-War. They were sort of '38, '39 and the War had been stable and so we were infinitely behind whatever had been going on in the United States for instance. Author: Gianni Agnelli | And the buying of new machinery meant not only the possibility of production, but even the new technology, 'cos as I mentioned before, we were back of seven, eight years. Author: Gianni Agnelli | I have never come across a technology that doesn't change. This is inevitable. You have to adapt your systems as technology develops. Author: Gijs de Vries | All tools have intrinsic politics and technology is the tool of now. Author: Godfrey Reggio | It's not just the effect of technology on the environment, on religion, on the economic structure, on society, on politics, etc. It's that everything now exists in technology to the point where technology is the new and comprehensive host of nature of life. Author: Godfrey Reggio | It's not that we use technology, we live technology. Author: Godfrey Reggio | Technology has become as ubiquitous as the air we breathe, so we are no longer conscious of its presence. Author: Godfrey Reggio | Technology is not neutral. Author: Godfrey Reggio | What I'm trying to do is to at least raise a flag to the blinding light of technology. Author: Godfrey Reggio | The technology at the leading edge changes so rapidly that you have to keep current after you get out of school. I think probably the most important thing is having good fundamentals. Author: Gordon Moore | After World War II great strides were made in modern Japanese architecture, not only in advanced technology, allowing earthquake resistant tall buildings, but expressing and infusing characteristics of traditional Japanese architecture in modern buildings. Author: Harry Seidler | All this technology for connection and what we really only know more about is how anonymous we are in the grand scheme of things. Author: Heather Donahue | If we had been less reliant on technology and the security that we enjoy in being divorced from what we used to know, maybe things would have turned out differently. Author: Heather Donahue | It has been claimed at times that our modern age of technology facilitates dictatorship. Author: Henry A. Wallace | Technology may create a condition, but the questions are what do we do about ourselves. We better understand ourselves pretty clearly and we better find ways to like ourselves. Author: Herbert Simon | There are no morals about technology at all. Technology expands our ways of thinking about things, expands our ways of doing things. If we're bad people we use technology for bad purposes and if we're good people we use it for good purposes. Author: Herbert Simon | The reality is that what you find out is that your head is the medicine. If your head is not in the right place and you don't think positively, all the medicine technology in the world is not going to work. Author: Herbie Mann | A total nuclear freeze is counterproductive - especially now, when technology is rapidly changing and the Soviets have some important strategic advantages. Author: Herman Kahn | However, even during the preparations for action, we laid our plans in such a manner that should there be progress through diplomatic negotiation, we would be well prepared to cancel operations at the latest moment that communication technology would have permitted. Author: Hideki Tojo | When ATM machines came out and people were prosecuted for robbing ATM machines, I don't think anybody thought the banks were against technology because they didn't want their ATM machines lifted. Author: Hilary Rosen | Content and technology are strange bed fellows. We are joined together. Sometimes we misunderstand each other. But isn't that after all the definition of marriage? Author: Howard Stringer | For any new technology there is always controversy and there always some fear associated with it. I think that's just the price of being first sometimes. Author: Hugh Grant | Like all tools, modern technology has produced some wonderful moments in music and also some horrors. Author: Hugh Hopper | Technology determines the possibilities of society. It doesn't matter whether you start out from a fascist state or a communist state or a free-market state. Author: Iain Banks | I think you can expect Sony, in the case of PSP specifically, to deliver a technology that is going to reinvent and change handheld entertainment, and take it to a brand new level. Author: Ian Jackson | The reason is that till date, in spite of advances in information technology and strategies of information, the written word in the form of books still remains one of humanity's most enduring legacies. Author: Ibrahim Babangida | I spend so much time on the screen when I am writing, the last thing you want to do is spend more time on the Internet looking at a screen. That's what I hate about all this technology. Author: Irvine Welsh | Even when I work with computers, with high technology, I always try to put in the touch of the hand. Author: Issey Miyake | Science and technology multiply around us. To an increasing extent they dictate the languages in which we speak and think. Either we use those languages, or we remain mute. Author: J. G. Ballard | I'm sure there will continue to be exciting new products and major changes, but it looks as if the existing technology has a great deal of room to grow and prosper. Author: Jack Kilby | Well, it's very dangerous to project, but it's clear that the existing technology has some more years to go. Author: Jack Kilby | I have taught history on the high school and college levels, and am or have been a lecturer at the Smithsonian, The National Institutes of Health, and numerous colleges and universities, mostly on science fiction and technology subjects. Author: Jack L. Chalker | But I don't think we'll go there until we go back to the moon and develop a technology base for living and working and transporting ourselves through space. Author: Jack Schmitt | Cinema reflects culture and there is no harm in adapting technology, but not at the cost of losing your originality. Author: Jackie Chan | There has been a huge advance in technology, which has improved the safety of the cars incredibly, but there are still some heavy crash impacts and in certain circumstances there is still the chance of fire today. Author: Jackie Stewart | Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity. Author: Jacques Ellul | The technology is just so far gone. It's just like back in the day you needed a suitcase just to have a cell phone. The battery was so heavy, it was like carrying a gallon of soda around with you all day. Author: Jam Master Jay | With this CD technology, you can just remix a record right there on the spot. Author: Jam Master Jay | I was always fascinated by engineering. Maybe it was an attempt maybe to get my father's respect or interest, or maybe it was just a genetic love of technology, but I was always trying to build things. Author: James Cameron | The point of that is, if you look at Walgreen's history, they've always been pioneers in the application of technology. They're the only drugstore chain that I know to have their own satellite. Author: James Collins | The way you want to respond is to ask a question: Is this technology directly relevant to our hedgehog concept? If the answer is YES, then we want to become pioneers, not in the technology, but in the application of that technology specifically linked to our hedgehog concept. Author: James Collins | You know, technology CEOs like to think of themselves as rock 'n roll stars. Author: James Daly | In hard-core science fiction in which characters are responding to a change in environment, caused by nature or the universe or technology, what readers want to see is how people cope, and so the character are present to cope, or fail to cope. Author: James Gunn | There are a lot of people using technology that are playing to a click with backing vocals already stuck in there on some computerized thing that runs along in time to the show so they have these amazing vocals that are only partly the guys on stage producing them at the time. Author: James Young | Whereas with us - what you hear is what's happening right then and there on the stage - so we don't need no stinking technology. Author: James Young | On the other hand, there would be some value in different folks getting together to share expertise and technology; but to the listener, it wouldn't necessarily seem like a single station in the traditional sense. Author: Jamie Zawinski | Technology causes problems as well as solves problems. Nobody has figured out a way to ensure that, as of tomorrow, technology won't create problems. Technology simply means increased power, which is why we have the global problems we face today. Author: Jared Diamond | Technology has to be invented or adopted. Author: Jared Diamond | But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products are made and concentrate more on what a product will do for the consumer. Author: Jay Chiat | Our technology is very scalable. Our software can accommodate enormous numbers of clients. It's a marvelous opportunity. We'll keep developing products. Author: Jay Chiat | Second, we're spending a huge amount of money on technology so that everyone can check out laptops and portable phones. We're spending more money to write our existing information into databases or onto CD-ROM. Author: Jay Chiat | Technology is the fashion of the '90s. It affects everyone, and everyone is interested in it - either from fear of being left behind or because they have a real need to use technology. Author: Jay Chiat | Investing in industries and technology for the 21st century generates high-skilled, high-wage jobs for industries of the future. Author: Jay Inslee | With millions of family wage manufacturing jobs lost since 2001, we need an energy bill that takes bold action to tap into American ingenuity in order to lead the world in new clean energy technology, rather than playing catch-up to the Japanese, Danish, and Germans. Author: Jay Inslee |